Wolfeboro Trolley Company Owner Kathy Fairman inspects “Jolly the Trolley” built in Wells, Maine last fall.
With unanimous thumbs up approval, both the Governor Wentworth Regional School Board and the Wolfeboro Board of Selectmen have given the go ahead, again, to the Wolfeboro Trolley Company to run a Park ‘n Ride shuttle from the Kingswood Arts Center to Downtown Wolfeboro every day in July and August from 8 am to 6 pm.
Jolly the Trolley will connect with Molly the Trolley at the Wolfeboro Railroad Station, where Molly will continue the Hop On/Off Narrated Tours she has done for 35 years.
Plans to implement the shuttle in 2020 were postponed when the Covid-19 Pandemic curtailed summer business for much of that season.
“The goal is to keep as many cars as possible out of downtown Wolfeboro,” said Kathy Fairman, owner of the Wolfeboro Trolley Company.
She explained the shuttle will do this in two ways: First, by providing a place for folks who work downtown to park, and a ride to work. The Shuttle will run from 8-6 pm every half-hour, every day, with return service on the quarter-hour, making it easy for these same folks to get back to their cars.
Second: by providing a safe, convenient place for visitors and residents to leave their cars and stay downtown as long as they want without having to move their cars after two hours or get a ticket.
“The summer parking problem didn’t go away with the Pandemic,” said Fairman. “It’s been as bad as ever, maybe worse.”
She described the shuttle as another example of a Wolfeboro public/private partnership, this one involving dozens of businesses as well as the Town and School District. She hopes townspeople will get on board as well.
“The shuttle will be financially supported by businesses owners who buy signs on the interior and exterior of the new trolley, by employers and locals who buy Season Park ‘N Ride passes, and visitors who buy All Day Passes” she said.
Details regarding Trolley Passes and Signs may be found on the Wolfeboro Trolley Company’s website wolfeborotrolley.com by emailing Kathy at info@wolfeborotrolley.com or by calling her at 603-569-1080.